Raymond Pugh 0:07 Hello, my name is Raymond Pugh. I'm a sophomore mechanical engineering student at Lockheed Martin Leadership Institute. Natalie would you like to introduce yourself?
Natalie Nguyen 0:15 Yes! Hi, everyone, my name is Natalie Nguyen, and I'm currently a junior, majoring in biomedical engineering. I'm in cohort nine of the Lockheed Martin Leadership Institute.
Raymond Pugh 0:30 Okay! So, Natalie, I heard you are working on Envision 2040. Could you explain what that is and why this Envision 2040 project is important?
Natalie Nguyen 0:40 Yeah. So like every junior year of the cohort in the Leadership Institute, we do a big project. And cohort seven did an amazing job on digital transformation, cohort eight also did an amazing job on embracing change. And they kind of viewed a good foundation for our topic, which is Envision 2040 to like to do on that. So how do we do that? We kind of by envisioning the future, and preparing ourselves for the future ahead of time, we broke down our topic into several sub topics and analyzed them through three lenses: advancement in technology, embracing diversity and inclusion, and human interactions. We know that we are no experts on this topic, but no sub no sub topic can only be viewed through one lens, and we would like to contribute our understanding and our fresh views on these topics.
Raymond Pugh 1:41 That's pretty good. What insights I've got from exploring your topic?
Natalie Nguyen 1:48 What I'm focusing on right now is the diversity and inclusion, inclusion demographics. So we all know that the benefits of diversity and inclusion is that they boost the creativity of the employees, and it provides a better customer service, higher job satisfaction, and they also give companies a higher stock prices and lower litigation expenses. But managing a diverse workforce is challenging because like age demographic traits, such as gender, race, religion, disabilities, or sexual orientation, each face unique challenges. So why is it important to look at the demographics of diversity and inclusion? By looking at the demographics of that, we'll help the companies realize if they are managing their diversity in their company effectively or not. So if not, they can start the practices to improve the diversity, such as building a culture of respecting diversity, creating diversity training programs, or review that recruitment practices.
Raymond Pugh 2:58 That's amazing! And what are you going to do to prepare for this for the future?
Natalie Nguyen 3:05 So I think the most important part to prepare for the future is embracing the changes, because we never know what the future will look like,we can only envision the future, but we cannot know exactly what would happen in the future. Like when the pandemic hit all around the world, like a year ago, we didn't know what to do. But like, when we embrace the changes, we cannot, get to be a new normal, like working from home is the new normal right now. And we all know that like automation will be like a big part of us like in the future. And we cannot deny that machines will be an important part of our future. So we can only do what we can only learn the suitable skills to prepare for our future, like learning skills relating to machines, so that we will not be afraid to be replaced in the future. And I think that the last part is focused on our main goals, and don't waste our time on things we cannot control like the pandemic.
Raymond Pugh 4:20 That's great. That's great advice. Thank you so much!
Natalie Nguyen 4:24 Yeah, no problem. Thank you!